27 de December de 2016

Biologist Mariela Oviedo Diego

CONICET Internship Doctoral fellow, Instituto de Diversidad y Ecología Animal (IDEA).

PhD Student of Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba.


mariI recently graduated as a biologist at the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina.

From the beginning of the academic career I was attracted towards the topic of reproduction from an evolutionary perspective. I discovered the advantages of the arachnid models to study reproductive interactions within the framework of sexual selection. I performed the final work of the career with two species of scorpions of the family Bothriuridae (Urophonius brachycentrus and U. achalensis). Firstly in collaboration with Ernesto Costa-Scmidth and later directed by Alfredo Peretti and co-directed by Camilo Mattoni we went in search of these winter scorpions to the Sierras de Córdoba, Argentina. Then, in the Laboratory we tried to elucidate behavioral and morphological patterns in relation to the genital plugs that presented both species as a post-copuatory mechanism. After this instance I began my doctoral fellowship to continue studying evolutionary processes in populations of both species in scenarios of sympatry and allopatry in a comparative approach at interspecific and intraspecific level. For this we are conducting experiments to address in a multidisciplinary way the morphology of somatic and genital structures, physiology involved in reproduction, sexual behavior and population genetics. The subject of my doctoral thesis is “Reproductive Biology and Evolution in Arachnids: a multidisciplinary study on two species of scorpions (Scorpiones, Bothriuridae, Urophonius)”.


E-mail: marie27oviedo@gmail.com